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Things happen.

absc honked 17 Sep 2024 10:38 +0200

A Lucerna si è appena svolto il...

...Campionato del mondo di sniffamento di tabacco...

No, seriamente.

absc honked 16 Sep 2024 14:06 +0200



Un altro acronimo e smetto di lavorare...

absc bonked 15 Sep 2024 14:30 +0200
original: robpike@hachyderm.io

In my younger days, phones were a way to communicate with other people. Nowadays they are mostly a way to communicate with corporations, and that is a polite way to say it.

absc bonked 15 Sep 2024 10:00 +0200
original: robpike@hachyderm.io

@headmold @chuckbenz Up and running, I think, with a burner SIM from Vodafone.

Standing back and looking at the complete situation, it was ridiculously hard to set up a safe environment for a single program (what you might call an app). And impossible to do without logging in to _something_.

Side note: Gave up on getting an old iPad to work because - really - it said my Apple ID was too new for this device. I mean what the actual fuck. The contempt for users in the tech world is offensive.